
Gas Storage Levels no Risk for Security of Supply yet

Die Gasspeicher weisen aktuell einen historischen Tiefststand auf. Eine Gefahr für die Versorgungssicherheit besteht für die erste Winterhälfte derzeit nicht. Die technischen Potenziale zur Einspeicherung sind ausreichend vorhanden. Zur Ausnutzung dieser Potenziale ist ein vorausschauendes Handeln aller Akteure, insbesondere die frühzeitige Ausschreibung von Long-Term-Options, notwendig.

Germany’s gas storage facilities are currently filled by 64 per cent – a very low level compared to historical values. Technical injection potentials would allow the market to realise filling levels of over 90 per cent by early November – a common niveau from a historical point of view. Peak loads usually do not occur before the end of December. If we faced longer cold snaps in January and February, sufficient storage withdrawal capacities must exist, as German storage facilities supply for peak loads in these months locally and in-time.

Looking at gas security of supply in Germany, one has to differ between sufficient availability and stable network operations. While supplying market actors hold responsibility for an adequate availability, securing gas network is the task of gas system operators. As system operators are not allowed to trade, regulatory instruments – so-called Long-Term-Options (LTO) – were introduced in the past, to ensure secure gas network operation.

Looking at the facts, Sebastian Bleschke, Management Director of the Initiative Erdgasspeicher e.V. (INES), explains: “We believe, the German government was right to not interfere with the gas storage market. However, we believe that forward-looking action is required now. This means that tenders for network-saving Long-Term-Options have to be realized earlier. This is the only way to ensure that storage demand is matched with technical potentials.”

Read Press Release in German